Act I: Game Announcement
INT. DAY. The setting is in a stylish yet sterile tech company meeting room. Likely located in Downtown Seattle, or Bellevue, maybe Redmond. Everyone is bright-eyed and optimistic—for now.
MANAGEMENT: This game is going to have EVERYTHING. Riveting online battles filled with intricate strategies. An engrossing and branching story mode. Beautiful and cutting-edge graphics. The world is our oyster.
ART: Here is a bundle of previsualization art! It is meant for internal review only, but—
MANAGEMENT: Let's jump the gun and show this to the Internet!
ART: Ah, bullocks.
GAME DESIGN: Comrades, I come bearing many new game features! Behold, the first one is a sweet and delightful side quest that unlocks after the main character triggers her first weapons upgrade!
ART: I have sketched many concepts for the main character's special buster sword/rifle/lighter/boyfriend.
GAME DESIGN: [hardly containable] I have just thought of 13094091 more features we should add.
ENGINEERING: Those all sound nice, but we need to seriously pare down the scope of this project if we want to have something playable in the near future.
GAME DESIGN: I reduced my must-have list to 5 main features!
ENGINEERING: Oh, marvelous! Thank you for compromising.
GAME DESIGN: The 5 main features contain 13094091 subfeatures!
ENGINEERING: Okay, but do you see how that's exactly the same thing as before—
MANAGEMENT: Let's jump the gun AGAIN and show this to the Internet!
ENGINEERING: [muttering, while coding furiously] I'm just going to stop talking now, it's not like anyone listens to an effing word I say anyway—
QA TESTERS: Everything is broken. We are sorry.
ENGINEERING: [impassively] Thank you for the bug reports. Thank you for the 8194729 new Jira Tasks.