I’m incredibly excited to have gotten into Sakura-Con for the 2024 con season! It’s my first time back to this event since the pre-pandemic show in 2019, and this time, I’ll have a ton of new artwork as well as a charming helper. Matt and I will be here all weekend peddling my wares. We hope to see you there!
Post-show write-up: This was an objectively fantastic show, and things went very smoothly with Matt as my helper all weekend! I was right next to one of my friends from Pike Place Market, Cathy of Catshy Crafts (what are the odds?), and directly across from the food court. My location really couldn’t have been any better this year! This translated into significant sales all weekend, especially on Saturday, but it seems that sales still haven’t returned to their pre-pandemic high back when I had a record-setting con at Sakura-Con 2018. Maybe someday we’ll get back up there!